How to Save More Money in 2019

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Everyone wants to have more money, but how do you make that happen if you can’t find any more income? Saving money is the best way to keep your cash flowing, and it’s easier to do than you might think. If you struggle with saving money or want a few more tips, here are four ways to save more money in 2019.

Health insurance

Cheap health insurance can make a huge difference on your savings. Americans spend thousands of dollars a year on health care, so having a cheaper monthly cost for your insurance can really help. Take the time to compare health insurance plans and find the cheapest one that will work for you. Don’t just take the first plan that’s offered to you. You might be tempted to just sign up for an insurance because you don’t want to look any deeper, but taking the time to research the right insurance and talk to experts can ultimately save you thousands of dollars. Use a free Saturday to research insurance and save you and your family money.

Cook more

What could you do with $3,008 more in your savings? That’s the amount the average household spends on eating out. Most people don’t think about how often they actually eat out of the home or how much money that could be costing them. Take the time each week to plan your meals, including lunches, and go grocery shopping. If you have a clear plan throughout the week, you’ll be less likely to just order food when it’s dinnertime and you can’t think of anything to cook. You can even do some preparation over the weekend, like chopping all the vegetables you need, so that when you come home from work you don’t have any excuses. Make cooking easy on yourself, and you will save thousands of dollars every year.  

Keep track of your finances

Keeping track of your finances is absolutely critical to saving money. If you don’t keep track of your money, you won’t realize just how much you’re spending. If you feel like it will help you set yourself a budget. You can divide it into categories and give yourself a monthly allotment for things such as rent and utilities, clothing, groceries, and miscellaneous. Budgeting is a great way to get an overall look at your spending. When you know exactly how much you need each month for the necessities, you can start to play with your other expenses. You can also make sure you’re putting aside money every month for your savings.  

Go green

Never thought about the harm we do to the environment? Caring more about the environment will actually help you save money. When you heat your home, you’re releasing carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. Leaving your heat at a lower level than you might like will help save the environment as well as your wallet. Depending on what type of heating source you have, heating your home this winter could cost you anywhere from $983 to $2,359. Taking shorter showers is also a great way to save money and help the environment. You’ll find yourself with a lower water bill and more time on your hands to use on other tasks. Keeping your home at a lower heat and reduce your shower time can help save you money, and you’ll know you’re making a difference for the environment.

Saving money might seem like an impossible task, but if you keep an eye on your spending and make little changes to your habits, your savings will grow and grow. Make 2019 your most prosperous year ever and work towards building an incredible amount of savings with these tips.

Roman Marx

Roman Marx

Staff Writer
Austin–based Staff Writer at e-AMPED, Roman Marx is responsible for running the site’s daily tech news flow, in addition to crafting larger editorial pieces and covering special tech events. She graduated from Boston College before moving on to freelancing for several online tech publications, before landing at e-AMPED.


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